8880 W. Sunset Rd., Suite 130
Las Vegas, NV 89148

Business / Commercial


Business and Corporate Law

Determining the type of business entity to form is a critical decision when pursuing a new business venture.  At Knight & Ryan, we help tailor the type of business entity needed to match the scope of each client’s business.  After formation, we serve as corporate counsel and help our clients maintain all corporate formalities, including business restructuring.  We also assist our clients with the preparation of franchise agreements, licensing agreements, operating agreements, corporate bylaws, buy/sell agreements, and covenants not to compete, among other things. 

In addition to corporate structuring, we have experience assisting our clients before the Office of the Nevada Labor Commissioner and the Nevada Department of Administration. Often we are called upon to assist a client with compliance and the resolution of a fine, while other times we participate in a full trial or administrative appeal. Regardless of the situation, we he the experience to guide our clients through their administrative matters.